Get Air

This was a 2018 - 2019 fire sprinkler design project that had several layers to it. It finally became the Get Air Trampoline Park in Revere MA, but the space has been through many changes. We originally were treating it as an empty space, and the owner wanted to save the existing pipe. We were able to do that by adding a new feed main to disconnect the existing grid from the box store next door. The next problem was the water supply. It was terrible. We eventually did 3 hydrant flow tests (yeah we do that too) to accurately determine the municipal supply capability. We also had to draw up the existing sprinkler system since the original system drawing had disappeared long ago. When it became Get Air we then had to evaluate how to raise the pipe to a safe level, and we consulted with several engineers to determine the flammability of the trampolines and the foam blocks used for...
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St Anselm College

We designed the fire sprinkler system for the new Welcome Center in 2019. the project was fairly straightforward except for coordinating sprinklers above and below ceilings. We used CC3 special application sprinklers in the interstitial space and concealed pendents for below the ceiling. Here is a piece of the drawing that we did. As you can see we work in 3D and are experienced in 3D coordination. Contact Us if you have need of our services. ...
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AC Hotel

This 2019 project was a new hotel in Portsmouth NH. The interesting and challenging aspects of this design were the water supply and the multi-level garage. The water supply was adequate for the fire sprinkler system but did not meet the requirements for the standpipes. Often the Fire Department will assume the responsibility for pressure and flow for the standpipes through the Fire Department Connection. Due to issues with apparatus, the F.D. could not supply the required 1,000 gpm. Therefore we struck a deal whereby the F.D. provided 500 gpm and a 500 gpm fire pump was installed. Balancing 2 sources of supply was interesting. The Garage was challenging due to the deep steel beams, a suspended ceiling, and coordinating pipe pitch with the slopes of the deck above. ...
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Paper Mill Fire Sprinklers

The Gorham Paper Mill in Gorham NH was a complicated project. CFP was asked to connect (through our design) the new massive addition's fire sprinkler system to the existing water supply in a very tight area. The structure posed quite a few problems for the design, since beam spacing and sizing had to take into account, not just the roof, but also cranes, large ductwork, mezzanines, access to immense machines, and cost. Verifying beam locations was challenged to our fear of heights as well. We were thankful for safety harnesses and secure railings. But, compared to the old paper mills we have designed systems for (the ones where you breathed sulphuric acid and could almost watch your tape measure dissolve), this plant was a joy to work in. Please contact Comprehensive Fire Protection for any fire protection project. It doesn't have to be this big a project. We like them small too....
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3D Fire Protection Coordination UofA

Comprehensive Fire Protection LLC has the software, the knowledge, and the experience to provide superior 3D coordination for fire sprinkler systems. Recently CFP designed and coordinated fire sprinkler piping for a new classroom building at the University of Alabama. As you can see from the roof lines and exposed framework, this was a challenging coordination project. Also, as anyone who has worked on a school project knows, there was a lot of ductwork and piping to avoid. Ceilings were the product of an inventive architect, which added to the difficulty of combining coordination with code requirements. Please contact CFP if you have a coordination project involving fire sprinkler systems. We can also take your design and insert it into the coordination process....
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